LEITEK INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS is a private company, belonging to the company ecosystem of the Defense Technological and Industrial Base (idD Portugal Defence) sector, that meets the innovation needs of its customers, providing and implementing complex and state-of-the-art solutions in the areas of early detection and simulation of forest fires, unmanned aircraft, security and mapping services with unmanned aircraft.
LEITEK is focused on the commercialization and development of solutions in activity sectors with high growth potential, combined with the business opportunities provided by the world's accelerated digital transformation and technological advancement, as well as, in providing services with Unmanned Aircraft and data processing with advanced analytics.
To provide public entities and private clients with the best innovative solutions and add value to all projects in the following technology areas:
Video Surveillance of the Forest;
Early Detection of Forest Fires;
Unmanned Aircraft and associated technologies;
Defense and Security;
Operational Security in Airports;
Unmanned Aircraft Services.
To be a reference technological company and a leading supplier in Portugal and Southern Europe, focusing on Forest Fire Detection and Unmanned Aircraft Services, in order to contribute to a changing, safer and sustainable world.
LEITEK Innovative Solutions faces the sustainable development as an activity guiding framework:
The object of activity
The company considers as object of the activity its customers together with the society, the natural and human environments in which they are inserted and that will be changed by the company's activity.
In this pillar, the company publishes:
Mission, Vision and Values;
Environmental Policy;
Environmental Impact Analysis;
Valuation of the Patrimony.
The subjects of the activity
The team members, suppliers and other partners that enable the company to carry out the activities.
In this pillar, the company publishes:
Code of Ethics;
Work Culture;
Research and Development Innovation Policy.