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Early and accurate fire detection dramatically reduces suppression costs, reduces asset loss, and avoids threats to human safety. LEITEK INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS is in the following areas:

• Automatic ground-based detection and alerting for fires and decision support
• Forest Monitoring and Fire Detection using UAS / RPAS / Drone Sensors
• Modulation and Simulation by computer of forest fire progression.

Our Early Fire Detection System works through advanced image analysis in combination with thermal technology, enabling early and accurate detection of forest fires in low visibility within the line of sight. Computer-aided detection minimizes the risk of human error so that management entities can focus on responding quickly to threats with effective fire-fighting strategies.

The world's premier early forest fire detection system, the InsightFD & Insight Globe, provides 24/7 protection and IA-assisted thermal and smoke detection technology.

The Insight Robotics Wildfire Detection System is comprised of a network of InsightFD robots connected to the Insight Globe management platform suited to a central control room. Each robot provides industry accuracy, real-time surveillance and early detection of emerging forest fires, shifting focus to efficient early suppression rather than costly firefighting.

Combining advanced electro-optical (EO), infrared (IR) and machine "Machine Learning" with improved smoke detection algorithms, InsightFD is the leading solution for the early detection of forest fires in the world. InsightFD is used by the Wildfire service, national park and forests in Asia, America and Europe!

Official Distributor: INSIGHT ROBOTICS, For the Iberian Peninsula.

About the fire detection unit
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